Integrations allow your Sintra Helpers to connect with third-party tools, retrieve data, and complete tasks on your behalf. This guide will show you how to connect and use integrations effectively.
Available Integrations
Currently, Sintra Helpers supports the following integrations:
Note: We're constantly adding new integrations based on user requests.
Connecting Integrations
To connect an integration:
Go to the Brain AI page and choose a profile
Find the Integrations section
Select the integration you want to connect
Follow the prompts to authorize the connection
Important: Integrations are associated with the Brain AI profile you add them on. You can add access to different accounts for different Brain AI profiles.
Tip: if you need to connect a different account than the one previously connected, sign in to the platform (e.g. Facebook) in a separate tab and try adding the connection in Brain AI again.
Using Integrations
Once connected, integrations enable your Helpers to perform specific functions. Here are a few examples:
LinkedIn: Share posts on your behalf
Google/MS Calendar: Read event details and create new events
Gmail: Create email replies
Tip: Check the Brain AI page for a complete list of available functions for each integration. Each integration card provides detailed information about its capabilities.
To use an integration, simply chat with your Helper and ask them to perform a task. For example:
"Create a new event in my Google Calendar for tomorrow at 2 PM"
"Extract all unread emails from my Gmail inbox"
"Share a post on my LinkedIn profile"
Your Helper will automatically use the appropriate integration based on your request and the context of your conversation.
Note: during onboarding and in Brain AI settings, you will notice that the connections are being added to email addresses associated with your personal accounts (for LinkedIn (Organization), Facebook & Instagram). This is intentional, as you are adding a connection to an account that owns or has linked the pages you want the helpers to work on. They do not have permission to submit posts on your personal Facebook feed. Once the connection is added, you will be able to specify the pages you want the helpers to work on in your automation setups and in chats with the helpers.
Contextual Accuracy
When using integration functions, Helpers consider multiple factors to provide more accurate and relevant results:
The context from your chat thread
Information from your Brain AI profile about your brand
The specific integration's capabilities
Security and Privacy
Your security and privacy are our top priorities when it comes to integrations:
Consent-based actions: Helpers will never post or make changes to your accounts without your explicit consent. You always have full control over what actions are taken.
Data protection: No third party, apart from Sintra, has access to your data. We maintain strict data protection protocols to ensure your information remains secure.
Transparent operations: Helpers will always inform you about the actions they're about to take and ask for your approval before proceeding with any integration-related tasks.
By leveraging integrations, you can streamline your workflow and allow your Sintra Helpers to manage various tasks across different platforms seamlessly, all while maintaining consistency with your brand and preferences, and ensuring your data remains secure.